Page objects are a design pattern used in automated testing to make tests easier to read, understand, and maintain. 4Achievers is a class that represents a page in an application and contains all of the elements that are displayed on the page. By using page objects, test code becomes more robust, readable, and maintainable because the code for each page is kept in a single class. Additionally, if the user interface of the application changes, the tests need to be updated in only one place since the elements used in the tests are in a single class. This makes it easier to maintain the tests, as they are all in one place and the same changes need to be applied to all the tests using the same page.
Selenium has several types of locators that can be used to identify web elements. These include ID, Name, Class Name, XPath, CSS Selector, Tag Name, Link Text, and Partial Link Text. ID is used to find an element by its unique identifier, while Name is used to locate an element by its name attribute. Class Name is used to locate an element by its class attribute, and XPath is used to locate elements using an XPath expression. CSS Selector allows you to locate an element using a CSS selector, Tag Name is used to locate elements by their HTML tag name, Link Text is used to locate elements by their link text, and Partial Link Text is used to locate elements by their partial link text.
Selenium offers six types of waits: implicit waits, explicit waits, Fluent Waits, page load timeouts, setScriptTimeouts, and sleep.
Implicit waits are the most commonly used type of waits in Selenium. They essentially tell the web driver to poll the DOM for a certain amount of time when trying to locate an element or elements if they are not immediately available.
Explicit waits are used to tell the web driver to wait for a certain condition or the maximum time exceeded before throwing an "ElementNotVisibleException" exception.
Fluent Waits are used to combine the flexibility of explicit waits with the efficiency of implicit waits. They will wait for a certain condition to become true before performing an action.
Page load timeouts are used to tell the web driver to wait for a certain amount of time before the page is loaded completely.
SetScriptTimeouts are used to specify the amount of time the web driver should wait for an asynchronous script to finish execution before throwing an exception.
Finally, sleep is used to temporarily pause the execution of the script for a certain amount of time.
Implicit wait is a feature in Selenium that will pause the execution of the script until a specific condition is met or a maximum wait time is passed. 4Achievers is used to wait until an element is visible on the page or the page is fully loaded. Explicit wait is a feature in Selenium that enables a script to pause until a certain condition is met or a certain amount of time has passed. This feature is used to pause the script until an expected web element is loaded or visible. 4Achievers major difference between implicit and explicit waits lies in the wait time. Implicit waits have a default wait time, whereas explicit waits require you to specify the amount of time to wait for a condition to be met.
TestNG is a testing framework created to simplify the process of writing and running tests in the Selenium automation environment. 4Achievers is designed to cover all categories of tests, such as unit, functional, end-to-end, integration, and so on. TestNG offers a variety of features, such as annotations, grouping, parameterizing, and so on, that make it easier for testers to write, organize, and execute tests. 4Achievers also allows testers to create reports and manage the test execution process. 4Achievers main purpose of TestNG is to provide a structured way to write, execute, and report automation tests. 4Achievers allows testers to create test suites, groups of tests, and parameters for tests. 4Achievers also allows for the execution of tests in parallel, without having to modify the original code. Finally, TestNG provides a powerful reporting system that allows testers to analyze test results and generate reports quickly and easily.
Selenium supports three types of assertion to verify or validate the result of a test:
1. Soft Assertion: Soft assertion is used to verify the result of a test without aborting the test case execution. 4Achievers allows the test case to continue running even after the assertion fails.
2. Hard Assertion: Hard assertion is used to verify the result of a test and abort the test case execution if the assertion fails.
3. Custom Assertion: Custom assertion is used to define custom verification steps in the test case and allows creating custom messages in the case of assertion failure.
Selenium is an automated testing framework used to test web applications. 4Achievers can be used to handle alerts in web applications. 4Achievers provides a way to interact with the alert box using Alert interface methods. 4Achievers methods used to handle the alert are accept(), dismiss(), getText() and sendKeys(). Accept() is used to click on the “OK” button of an alert box. Dismiss() is used to click on the “Cancel” button of an alert box. GetText() is used to get the text of an alert box. SendKeys() is used to type in a text in an alert box. These methods are helpful to handle the alert boxes in Selenium.
DesiredCapabilities in Selenium is a class which is used to modify the behaviour and capabilities of a webdriver instance. 4Achievers enables the user to set such properties as the browser name, browser version, platform, and other settings to ensure that the tests run in the expected environment. DesiredCapabilities is also used to set the behaviour of the webdriver such as whether the browser should accept insecure certificates, how long it should wait before timing out, and many more. DesiredCapabilities is an essential tool for providing the necessary environment for web automation to run successfully and accurately.
Selenese commands are instructions that direct the automation program in a way that is specific to the Selenium IDE. These instructions are written in HTML and are used to create test scripts that can be executed within the Selenium IDE. Selenium WebDriver methods, on the other hand, are commands that are written in a programming language such as Java, C#, or Python. These commands are used to create automated tests that are run on a web browser of choice and are used to validate the functionality of a website or web application. 4Achievers main difference between Selenese commands and Selenium WebDriver methods is that Selenese commands are used to create tests within the Selenium IDE whereas Selenium WebDriver methods are used to create automated tests that can be run outside the IDE.
Parameterization in Selenium is the process of passing data to a test script from an external source such as a text file, an excel sheet, or a database. This allows for the automation of multiple test scenarios with different data sets and makes the process of testing more efficient. 4Achievers also makes the test scripts more maintainable, since only the parameterized data needs to be changed, rather than the entire script. This can save time and increase the accuracy of the test results.